It's a utility that allows you to convert files from DWG format (which is used in CAD applications for storing 2D and 3D design) to Scalable Vector Graphics format (SVG). One of the advantages of converting to the SVG format is that the images can be defined in XML text files, so that they can be searched, indexed, scripted, compressed, and used in web browsers. But the main advantage of this program is that it does not require any CAD application to work. In addition, besides converting DWG files, you can also convert files of Drawing Exchange Format (DXF), and Design Web Format (DWF). In the SVG Options, you can select the width, height, layout, color, and other options for the output files.
You can convert two or more files simultaneously. You can drag and drop files to the conversion list, browse your computer and select them one by one, or select a folder to add the supported files automatically. You can overwrite or auto-generate another file if a duplicated file is found in the folder. You can also specify a directory to search SHX CAD font files and XREFT block files.